Direct Etheric Healing Session
Service Description
:: it is a beautiful work and scared responsibility to be of service for the betterment of humankind :: the well-trained Etheric Energy Healer has within his power to achieve miracles when it comes to the treatment of the ailing. to bring the body back to its normal & further Optimal function, the Therapist employs use of preDynastic methods such as ZepTepi Alchemy and Etheric Wands (advanced spiritual technology) to harness the Etheric Life Force, otherwise known as Prana, Chi, or Christ-Energies the Etheric Practitioner provides the patient with immediate relief from refractory pain, stress & dis-ease or injury, clears inner energetic or emotional blockages and Polarises your aura energetic fields, which in turn activates and facilitates your body's natural healing processes for speedy recovery <<< The Science behind Etheric Energy Healing >>> every facet of life is comprised of oscillating energy fields healthy cells, organs, bodily & energetic systems have a unique vibrational signature/frequency. Imbalances to the organism from toxicity, trauma, pathogens, perverse energy & EMF, allergies, heredity, mental factors, deficiencies etc. can stagnate or lessen the natural oscillation and harmonic Flow. the Practitioner works to clear energetic blockages, correct and re-harmonize imbalances and aberrations, and alleviate the cause(s) of symptoms that inhibit the Vital Inner-Energy Flow necessary to restore one’s overall health

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