< together at the Etheric family >
: with the right angle, you can move mountains :
we are here to explain a non-mechanical force
in several mechanical languages
: The Quint:essence :
: the Ether : where all matter is created &
all things manifest :
Magik is not something you do,
Magik is something you are
the Etheric Wands & customizable iNserts
the Etheric Wands Polarize all 13 energy layers (auric bio:fields) restoring balance & Self:Healing to the entire physical body -
activate & amplify yOUR innate Super:Natural & Omnific WiLL:Power and heightened psychic abilities
<< < Etheric Water Accumulators > >>
there is a measurable expansive effect on the entire body & energetic system when highly-charged Etheric Water is absorbed by the organism
Etheric Energy Healing
Remote Scanning & Implant removal Initiations & Polarisation
...the well-trained Etheric Energy Healer employs preDynastic methods such as ZepTepi Alchemy & advanced spiritual technology such as Etheric Wands
to harness Pure Energy also known as the Cosmic Life Force, Prana, Qi, Od, Thelema or Christ-Energies
Etheric Science & Healing
" the day science begins to study
non-physical phenomena, it will make
more progress in one decade
than in all the previous centuries
of its existence " N.TESLA