< About the Etheric family >

preDynastic ZepTepi Alchemy
Remote / Long-Distance Healing
One-on-One wHolistic Consultations
Elemental StarChart Calibration
freeFLOw Akashik readings
Our little big Story...
thank your for your curiosity & for finding us here!
we are the Etheric family :: a very creative team of an (outer)Worldly mama & daddy-O, two crazyFun little girls, and a radical collective of magnetic individuals set to Master some of their once-concealed truths of being
Philippe is an initiated Master in the ancient school of Hermetics and regarded as one of the leading experts in the works of Dr Wilhelm Reich - a specialist in Cloudbuster, Chembuster, and Trevor James Constables’ Etheric Translator technology. Philippe is also a pioneer of Don Crofts’ method of Life Energy generators, commonly referred to as Orgone - Philippe’s generators were sold and generously distributed throughout the world. His affinity with the Etheric element enables him access to many supernatural realms as a wHolistic Psychic Master
Philippe (re)created the Etheric Wands &
Betsy Anh experienced a wide-breadth of realities as a dutiful student to the Art of Life & Magik. a proud mama of 3 from the MT mountains who surfed the high-flying corporate waves and sailed the off-grid coconut islands. Betsy's wHolistic understanding of herbal & physical remedies extend beyond her shiatsu & BioEnergetic training as a highly intuitive healer & spiritual catalyst for 'higherSelf' & 'TwinFlame' re-connection
...please enjoy her little extension to the Etheric family & check-out betsy's website below :: :
Therapeutic Touch & [internal&external] wHolistic Healing treatments
...this dynamic duo travel the World with their pair of intense li'l kiddos : 2yrOld Iryana and 4yrOld Kleya : always full of colorful surprises and opportunities for deeper learning... :P