One-on-One wHolistic Consult
Service Description
::: ::: ::: we are your Cosmic beacons of the Universal Flow ::: ::: ::: whether you desires are to harness your Unlimited Creative Potential or struggle navigating these marvelous realms of the Ether :: if you seek further guidance in the Occult Mystery Schools, Hermetics :: initiation into preDynastic methods such as ZepTepi Alchemy :: visual or audible strengthening of your direct line to Source/Spirit/your higherSelf :: strengthened communication or understanding of created sigils or elementaries or other invocations :: a complete understanding of your 'TwinFlame' and how to connect with him/her :: in-depth view of your past-life regressions and/or other-density incarnations :: or if you simply feel a strong intuition to reach out for reasons still unbeknownst to you ::: ::: ::: we are in-between the darkness radiating this infinite light :: from our Galactic Center of Pure Energy & timeless Being to this plane of lowest density :: your neutral guides and stewards for your Great Works :: your greatest champions to help you understand, realize and to know thySelf ::: ::: :::

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