Remote / Long-Distance Healing
remote scanning & healing sessions
Service Description
Remote/long-distance scanning and healing sessions work over the sub-atomic quantum space :: a micro-biotic world of waves and particles that break down into Pure Energy, aka the Ether. the Practitioner works with this Universal Etheric Field of energy to activate the patients’ Self-healing processes and Polarise their 13 subtle energetic fields. these healing sessions provide instant relief in most patients and enable long-term balance and harmony so the immune system can work efficiently and the energy fields can strengthen and effectively protect the individual the well-trained Etheric Energy Healer has within his power to achieve miracles when it comes to the treatment of the ailing. to bring the body back to its normal & further Optimal function, the Therapist employs use of preDynastic methods such as ZepTepi Alchemy and Etheric Wands (advanced spiritual technology) to harness the Etheric Life Force, otherwise known as Prana, Chi, or Christ-Energies the Etheric Practitioner provides the patient with immediate relief from refractory pain, stress & dis-ease or injury, clears inner energetic or emotional blockages and Polarises your aura energetic fields, which in turn activates and facilitates your body's natural healing processes for speedy recovery Optimal Performance is synonymous with a strong Flow between the body, mind and Source/Spirit, which is reflective in the external social, work and creative environment

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