" ...a humanoid as a metaphor for the Vedic concept of Purusha or Spirit. - Purusha {Yahushua/Jesus} is also, in one of the early creation myths related in the Rigveda [India’s oldest text} as the primal man from whose body the Universe was created.
He was both Sacrificer and Victim, and his rite was the imagined “pro:to:type” for later Vedic and Hindu sacrifices.” - Encyclopedia Britannica.
to Sacrifice, means to make Sacred ::: to transmute & transform from the un:Holi {un:wHolistic} or “profane” (i.e. outside the G%d:Space), back to harmony & coherence as the Univer:Soul Source
we do not listen to understand , we listen to reply
the “profanity” ::: is the distraction, mis:informed dis:illusion & false ideals ::: the dualistic divide of{f} the Soul:full fall from MomentoUs “Grace” ::: a lack of hol(i) coherence {dis:harmony}, cognitive dis:connection /mal:formation /block:age from Source Consciousness
the etymology of BE:ing health:full and “holy” both come from the same Proto:Germanic word, ‘khailaz’ ::: meaning, “to make whole." To BE more whole, was to be:come more “holy” (not more rite-fully religious) ::: defining the holy rite to right:fully, wHolistic:ally BE : as per its “holism” from the Greek word ‘holos’, meaning "whole”
…trust only what resonates with:IN yoUr “Spirit” ::: Soul {Gut:brain} Primal intuitive Will:power, yOur inherent Etheric omnific force ::: that which in:Joy, embodies wHolistic HeaLth & Sacred:Sovereignty
you are an ethical celestial BEing, in a falsely unethical celestial network {pawned by Earthly conduits, minions & dutiful morons}…
…yOur holy sacrifice was simply the fragmenting of the Sacred:Source:::to:Soul::to:Self : the layers & veils of the profane, are mere distractions from the Sacred:Self:::to:Soul::to:Source
…to BE Sacred, is to ::: æffect yOUR REALity : to BE the Cause that æffects the Change :::
…to BE Sacred, is to ::: sacrifice your full attention to the present moment ::: to BE a steward of the Univer:Soul FLO:w :::

talking is silver : silence is gold : Will:Power is Etheric :
Pure Action speaks louder than words
::: the Challenging Solution :::
to honor the Sacred Individual & wHolistic Family Unit:y
cultivates the fertile stardust of farm & community
::: the Challenging "problem" ::: the ideal & modern REAL:ity of the "nuclear family" was atom bombed into a radioactive wasteland... the overgrowth of particles grew a plethora of labels & blended into a grey soup called... ::: ..."diversity".
when we stop seeing the World in problems, Solutions BEcome the omnific:ally present
::: align ::: mind + heart + {gut} = Sacred:Source:Space {14th chakra} :::
where extremes meet, harmony {coherence} is achieved

a Self:Cultivated Sacred:Space:of:Solutions :::
transcend duality : the Ether is the Quintessence, the Creative Force of the triune of Life : Life{creation} always takes place in 3's : Polarization of the extremes 1. transcend duality : the Ether is the Quintessence, the Creative Force of the triune of Life : Life {creation} always takes place in 3's : a Polarization of the extremes
the Ether is Omnific : harness your un:limited Creative potential & amplify your SuperNatural and innate psychic abilities
the Ether, "just is" it is time:less : learn the Art of operating outside-of-time & rooting in the Now, as is Nature's Law : as above, so below
techniques such as Etheric Healing & ZepTepi {mainly date back to the Mystery Schools of pre:Dynastic Egypt} : are forms of ancient:Hol:stic body alchemy : based on Universal Vortex Mechanics …understanding of energetic resonance, bions & UltraViole
the Polarization of your Energy Fields & actively animated mind+heart+gut-alignment {Sacred 3-brain:trinity} produce a coherent environment for :::
::: neural bridging of right & left brain hemispheres : balancing the masculine & feminine aspects (action + creativity) : opening multi-directional path:Ways of thought & in:sight {from early childhood, in utero, past:lives & every future potential}
:: incredible super:immune-response & rapid healing, immediate refractory pain-relief, regulation of hormonal & emotional re:act:vity, providing greater objectivity and clarity, re:Balance & eradicate dis:Ease
::: effective resolve of emotional trauma {from any time:line, density or delusion} resulting in new brain synapsis {connections/bridges} from memories made clear & Present : and from fears faced without the need to re-tell the Victimized biography-made-biology
::: Self-Mastery : purification of inner:Sense & a higher form of Advanced Spiritual Development
<<< you are not a spiritual being having a human experience ::
: you are limitless, Pure Energy >>>