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  • Writer's picturebetsy anh

: Harness the Trinity withIN : Aligning the Sacred:Spaces :

Functionally, as well as anatomically, the complex neural network connecting the 3 brains is an awe-inspiring, fully integrated & adaptable system ::: though only when the triune is consciously harnessed & actively engaged. The bi-directional information pathWAY between the mind, heart & gut form what science calls the "brain-gut" axis. What we think, feel & inherently know can be coherently synchronized to bring ultimate clarity, clairvoyance & harmony to every experience.

: cognizant integration of the 3 brains ::: centre {gut} + heart + mind :

::: the gut-brain : 100 million neurons : Enteric :::

More than 77% of neural relays & synapses travel UP from the {centre} gut brain to the head {mind} via the Vagus Nerve. The vagus nerve represents the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system : controlling mood, immune response, digestion & heart rate. The vagal tone regulates stress responses & is activated, and directly affected by beneficial gut bacteria & conscious breathing.

The origin of your base instincts, intuition & enthusiasm fired with conviction {the Will} : the gut is responsible for overall safety, protection, and upholding your immune & proCreation systems. The seat of fear, depression, OCD, PTSD, food intake & appetite : and mind-brain dis:orders, Parkinson's & Alzheimers all begin here. The gut-brain is also the Inner:Portal link & tether to Source/G=d/14th Chakra, activating the "gut-reaction", and the metacognition of SuperNatural & psychic abilities. 

::: the heart-brain : 40,000 neurons : Cardiac :::

The heart does not pump the blood, as modern academia would be-lie-f : the shape of the veins, arteries & capillaries naturally facilitate this function. The heart actually fuses the body's electric & magnetic fluids to create the body's electromagnetic field.

The heart-brain is intrinsically linked with the limbic {mind-brain} system involved in processing both memory & emotion, regulation of the body temperature, blood pressure & visceral appetite. The limbic system is also an interface between the nervous system & endocrine system and in regulation of sexual motivation & behavior.

Every neural network is capable of neuroplasticy : growth, change, autonomic balance & complex adaptive processes can be learned/unlearned by all 3-brain centers. The playground of your inner:CHI:ld, when actively engaged, can create & maintain a state of purity & innerSense {innocence}, over-viewing a world full of openness and wonder.

::: the mind-brain : 100 billion neurons : Cephalic ::: The head {mind} brain is the seat of physical operations : a 3-set {brain} where perceived logic, thinking, the creation of narratives & mastery of languages are processed. The mind is the only brain-center for word/language usage : of complex social interactions & advanced planning : past anxiety & future dreams fire-up in this space. The mind-brain contains 3-brains within... the "R complex", our oldest brain, is connected to the gut via the vagus nerve : it is linked to auditory processing, emotional & fear regulation & spiritual experiences. The "Limbic System", the "arc" or horseshoe, is connected to the heart : this influences & controls emotional, visceral, endocrine & voluntary responses. The "NeoCortex" is responsible for vision, sensation & muscle control, abstract thought, creating memory & applying words to speech.

: the occult : arcane : energetic anatomy of the human system : The most secret, inner chambers of the Self were known to the magician magnetopath, hermetics & healers of antiquity : great care was taken to map out {highly effectively!} the energetic trinity of every organ & bodily function in these Sacred:SpaceS. The electric fluids, the magnetic fluids, and areas of neutrality meticulously studied & worked on withIN thySELF. The masculine & feminine as well as the five elements, were understood with high regard for their qualities & purpose, their benefits & deficiencies, with relation to the human condition. Through deep introspection and Self-created experience, the individual came to master Know:Body & intrinsically BEcome 'Holy'stic : wHolistic in body, soul & spirit ::: consciously aligned in mind + heart + gut {centre}.

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