...the MYTHoLogical idea of pathOgens...
every:thing in Life is based on perspective. Cancer is a normal state existing withIN the body at all times. Hepatitis has shown to occur during liver regeneration. Leukemia, can be part of the process of bone marrow repair. Edema is actually one method for the body to accumulate more Life Energy, in turn activating the healing phases. Shocking dichotomy’s by any modern mythological understanding : in reality, temporary, self-limiting conditions that have naturally phase in & out withIN Natural Body Processes... since time immemorial.
extremes:meet through:out the cyclical FLOwing phases of healing and re:Vital:ization. the less popular world of mycobacteria, viruses and fungi have been shown on CT-scans breaking down tumors and repairing damaged tissues. this Ontogenetic process involves phases of cell proliferation (growth/canceration) and cell destruction (dissolve/ulceration) ::: in other words, if the ailment or mal:function results in cell canceration, then the world of microbes will phase-in to remove the excess cells : if the dis:ease or innerConflict phase results in ulceration and necroses, then osteolysis (dissolved bone) and tissue necroses will be re:vive:d by microbes that first form abscesses, then scar tissue/lymphoma/fibroma/healing cysts : re:populating the previous cellular degeneration.
Energy follows attention : the “Law of Similarity” is a Hermetic principle that illustrates the workings of radionic healing methods, such as homeopathy & psionic therapy ::: as well as all forms of mal:function & dis:ease {radiating repetitively at specific frequencies} that follow the same patterns and biological programming. It is worth noting, it has been observed, that there is no recorded death of an AIDS victim who had not been previously told that they are infected, or believed that they were...
...where the Mind goes, Energy FLOws ::: over pathways of Pure {UV} Light...
from the Ether springs forth the Elements, luminosity & subtleties easily felt and harnessed when the feeling &/or sight is cultivated through active engagement & understanding of Life Energy. biophotons {biological light} are produced by human cells & our strongly emitted by our DNA with an incredibly high degree of order {coherence}. this form of luminescence radiates at an extremely high intensity, void of fluctuations normally observed in light. this stability in field strength allows these biophotons to transmit information withIN the body.
communication between plants and organisms have been observed through solid barriers and over great distances : not by means of electromagnetic radiations, though over a lesser understood medium : UltraViolet {UV} Light : invisible to the untrained eye, the medium through which all cellular {cell-based} & telepathic communications occur…
BE-lie-f. this complexity separates animal from human : we share the parasympathetic nervous response {fight or flight} systems, though our ability to effectively bounce back from mal:function, conflict & stress LIEs in what we choose to BE:lie:ve. in what you choose to resonate with. as withIN, so withOUT.
to see the eradication of Dis:Ease & Dis:Harmony on this beautiful planet, question every:thing & Know:Body : cultivate a SuperFluid foundation of SelfMastery & Polarization : as thySelf, so the Universe.
