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  • Writer's picturebetsy anh

it is a Beautiful Work and Sacred Responsibility to be of Service for the Betterment of Humankind

Updated: Nov 30, 2018

Etheric Healing has proven incredible effects on the physiology of humans, animals, plants, bacteria, cultured cells, and even the activity of enzymes

the use of non-invasive preDynastic methods and Advanced Spiritual Technology to scan the physical body and 13 energetic fields (aura) provide a detailed overview for the patient. this BioEnergetic data offers a wHolistic understanding of the patients needs, dysfunctions and vulnerabilities

the well-trained Etheric Healer has within their power to achieve miracles when it comes to the treatment of the ailing

if necessary even against the will of the suffering patient, or a child who cannot contribute for their own well-being. it is possible to cure the most malignant & seemingly incurable illness or refractory state-of-pain :: it is even possible to strengthen the visual powers, which allow for the blind to see once again

Optimal Performance is synonymous with a strong Flow between the body, mind/soul and Source/Spirit, which is reflective in the external social, work and creative environment

education and understanding of the internal physical and energetic environments bring about greater Self-responsibility and accountability for personal healing and spiritual development. use of preDynastic methods such as ZepTepi Alchemy and Etheric Wands (advanced spiritual technology) are necessary tools to ensure adequate protection & amplification of our innate SuperNatural and psychic abilities

the science behind Etheric Healing

every facet of life is comprised of oscillating energy fields

healthy cells, organs, bodily & energetic systems have a unique vibrational signature/frequency. imbalances to the organism from toxicity, trauma, pathogens, perverse energy & EMF, allergies, heredity, mental factors, deficiencies etc. can stagnate or lessen the natural oscillation and harmonic Flow. the practitioner works to clear energetic blockages, correct and re-harmonize imbalances and aberrations, and alleviate the cause(s) of symptoms that inhibit the Vital Inner-Energy Flow necessary to restore one’s overall health

remote / long-distance Etheric Healing

remote/long-distance scanning and healing sessions work over the sub-atomic quantum space :: a micro-biotic world of waves and particles that break down into Pure Energy, aka the Ether. the practitioner works with this Universal Etheric Field of energy to activate the patients’ Self-healing processes and Polarise their 13 subtle energetic fields. these healing sessions provide instant relief in most patients and enable long-term balance and harmony so the immune system can work efficiently and the energy fields can strengthen and effectively protect the individual

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