the Etheric Healer is by definition a true Magnetopath who has developed and harnessed a great surplus of Vital Magnetism (aka the Ether, Pure Energy, Od). the Etheric Healer requires neither the faith or belief of the patient, nor any form of suggestion or hypnosis. the Etheric Healer-Magnetopath loads the surplus of their accumulated Vital Power from the Universe into the astral body of the patient :: and thus achieves a more speedy recovery, because their magnetism possesses a much greater resiliency/density, which therefor strengthens the astral matrix of the patient. this Magikal Healing process influences the patient’s Spirit, mind/soul and body accordingly
every part of the body is influenced by a specific element which finds its expression in the polarity of the responsive part of the body. this knowledge of the polar emanation is called in the Hermetic Art the “occult anatomy of the body”. the knowledge of the effect of this occult anatomy with respect to the elements, is extremely important for every adept who wants to know his body, to influence and control thySelf
according to the Hermetic Art, all known curing methods are based on the fundament of reestablishing the indispensable harmony of the elements. to bring the body back to its normal function and complete recovery, the natural therapist employs thermic effects such as bathing, poultices, herbs, massages, etc. the allopathist utilizes concentrated medicines, which are causing the effects corresponding to the elements and destined to repair health. the homeopath brings to life the contrasting element according to the device “Similia similibus curantur” (like is cured by like) to achieve the balance of all that is in danger - in conformity with the polarity laws. the electro-homoeopath by use of his remedies, influences the electrical and magnetic fluids directly to balance the disorderly elements, according to the kind of illness, by a suitable reinforcement of these fluids
the highest adepts who ever walked on our globe and brought about the most miraculous healings, resuscitation of the dead, etc., could only do so by considering the Universal laws, their Powers and electromagnetic fluids. it did not matter whether the realization of their faith played any part, consciously or unconsciously. it does indeed depend on the Etheric Healer ::: Magnetopath ::: Magician’s degree of development of their unlimited potential, how far their Magik and these miraculous healings can fully effect the organism