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ZepTepi Alchemy, Etheric Wands & Polarization (in a nutshell)

Writer: betsy anhbetsy anh

Updated: Nov 30, 2018

there is very little information to be found on preDynastic teachings, or preDynastic his-story of any sort (particularly in the English language) that was not purposefully destroyed during/after wars or rewritten by the apparent victor-"hero"

thankfully this wisdom of the Golden Age is not lost, and the methods held therein are slowly being presented to a newly-awakening global public. this post will only touch on the topic of ZepTepi Alchemy - more to come for the individual(s) who seek to know thySelf & the mysteries of the Universe from this level of experience & transformation...

one of the truly astounding tools that ring loudly of this Golden Era has been (re)created by a founding member of the Etheric family :: the Etheric Wands :: the image below details in a very simplified manner, just how they "work" ::

:: the process of Polarisation is a very interesting one, which is highly intrinsic to our advanced spiritual development & a rather important topic for the Alchemical Magician & initiates or adepts of the Hermetic Art :: i will go into greater detail of the Polarisation processes in another post, though for the purpose of expansion in-line with Etheric Wands ::

<<< the Polarisation Process >>>

Polarisation means a closed energy field, commencing with the most outer layer of our energetic field i.e. layer 13

as above, so below :: in the case of this (our) Galaxy, consisting of 13 densities :: our energy field also consists of 13 layers. the Etheric Layer is therefor a reflection of Source or Center of the Galaxy

in consequence, Polarisation is defined as a realignment on the highest possible energetic level. once the Etheric Layer (13th energetic layer) is closed, the other layers automatically align by the laws of diffusion, frequency and time alignments

Ancient Egyptian Healing Rods

there was a later version of the Wands in recorded history with a number of depictions & actualizations found in Ancient Egypt - many statues of Pharaoh's and God's are shown holding cylinders in their hands. there have been a few individuals, including the Russian government who have delved heavily into researching & recreating these "healing rods" or devices to initiate "divine communion" with the Gods of Ancient Egypt

Etheric Wands are only similar to these Pharaonic Cylinders, or "Wands of Horus" in their cylindrical shape - nothing more, nothing less - there is in fact a stark difference between them :: the wisdom employed in the production of Etheric Wands not only predate the cylinders found in Ancient Egypt, the effects on the human organism & the 13 energetic fields surrounding the body are prominently experienced from the level of Direct Source or Spirit by harnessing the unlimited potential within the Central Source Vortex

::: with Etheric Wands, the ability to harness the unlimited potential that exists between the implosive & explosive forces :::

Polarise the energetic bodies, activate the natural Self-healing processes within, amplify innate SuperNatural and psychic abilities and fortify our Direct link with the highest density ::: Source, the Center of the Galaxy


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